2011年2月14日 星期一

"MAGIC TOTEM"的玩法 (How to play MAGIC TOTEM)

(The magicians create different kinds of tail for different effects, it makes more fun.)

一般的尾巴可以讓玩家得到分數(Normal tail can get Scores)

帶有時鐘的尾巴可以幫玩家多爭取些時間(The tail with clock can get extra 5 seconds)

小惡魔尾巴會對玩家開個小玩笑,將棋盤上的提示方塊隱藏幾秒鐘(The tail with devil will hide the hint totem for 5 seconds)

炸彈尾巴好心的想要幫助玩家消除棋盤上的圖騰,無奈他視力不好,永遠不知道自己會打到哪裡(The tail with bomb will random destory five totems)

鏡子尾巴則是讓使用者分不清楚左右(The tail with mirror will confuse player for 5 seconds)

(Use these tails will get more scores although sometimes make game more difficlut, you can deside use it or not, but it should be fun, isn't it.)

